Sunday, November 10, 2013

What's New Buenos Aires?

In 1980 I saw the commercial for the new musical EVITA on Broadway. I was 20 and still living on Long Island. I ended up seeing the show 18 times. It is my all time favorite show. I was mesmerized by the commercial which made me want to see the show. I knew nothing about the subject but there was something about the music that reeled me in.

I got to see the amazing Patti LuPone and Mandy Patinkin at the beginning of their careers and later on I had the opportunity to meet Patti LuPone who graciously signed the portrait of her as Evita that I had painted.

Something I have noticed in commercial advertisements is that we tend to be moving away from focusing on talent to just showing technical aspects of the medium in theater, television and movies. Why is it so hard for a play to exist and keep going? Is it because they don’t have the thrills, special effects and shockers as let’s say Spiderman or Phantom have.

I think many of the youth today require fast action, technology, pyrotechnics and special effects to help them relate to the arts. What does this actually say about technology and its importance or non importance on the youth of today?

I know when I was student teaching many students wanted to watch the movie version of classics instead of actually reading them. Is technology creating lack of imagination because we can now have the visual aspect of a story, video, show mapped out for us as opposed to imagining it in our own mind?

Sometimes the scariest moments in piece are left to our own imagination but my concern is where is that imagination going to?

Below is the Original Television Commercial for EVITA I used for this assignment

Below is the link to the commercial

An Extra Bonus. 

The Tony Performance of “A New Argentina” – So exciting…