Monday, October 21, 2013

A Bit of a Rant

In reading More or Less Democracy in the Internet Age by Mark E. Kann I was bothered by several of the statements and information discussed. This may come across as a rant but I was extremely disturbed by this section stating;

The impulsive, impassioned, self-interested masses. Drawing on Alexander Hamilton’s fears of ordinary people and James Madison’s warnings against factions and tyrannical majorities, digital democrats reduce online participation to slow, rational, community-oriented talk. The presumption here is not that greater inclusivity is required for democracy but that greater sobriety is a prerequisite for inclusion.

Ordinary people have opinions. I am an ordinary person and there are many I time I did not have the opportunity to share my opinions or thoughts on a candidate or a law in the making because I would be one of the mindless thousands writing in protest.
What technology has allowed are the thoughts of all… educated, non-educated and beyond having a forum to state their thoughts however much away from what the aristocrats feel should be permissive.
The internet has allowed the common man a voice. The ability to read what other people think and instantly or slowly make a case on their own. I think it is the upper crust snobs who feel that the common, hardworking people of this country who constantly work their butts off should not be aloud to have a say. Why is that? Is it because they are afraid that people will come to realize that there are so many more of us then them. That their theories of what is right and what is wrong…what should be counted as legitimate debate is only what they think is so.

I think the internet has many in that class running scared because here is a platform where the everyday person the elected officials work for can make a statement.
I think the uproar is in the shame that they  will be found out by technology. That as we the working people have a chance to communicate with each other and turn the tides against the unrealistic views of the people that are often in office can be torn down.

Is this an attack…. You bet it is…… It is time to listen to the people – all of the people who each new day are having the chance to make their voices heard.

Those in office should be alarmed as we the people are given more and more opportunity to make our voices heard.

Enough – is – Enough…


  1. Michael,

    The section your refer to certainly doesn't demonstrate what is perceived to be democratic and does seem to define an elite. The whole concept of democracy is that everyone should have a voice and I think the Internet has the opportunity to do just that. However, I think what seems to happen is that people look for blogs etc. that fall into their parameters of thinking so do not broader their ideas and approaches. This is a shame since it really has the potential.

  2. Hi Lydia,
    I agree that the potential is certainly there as long as the forum is not monopolized by the elite or wealthy so that regardless of technology the average persons voice is not counted. I appreciate your response.

  3. KUDOS on the rant. This is why we read this. To get you all debating and considering. I think your points are awesome!
